9:00 AM: Key Note: Susan Lambert on the Science of Reading
10:00 AM: Breakout session option 1
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Lunch and conversations with colleagues
12:00 PM: Breakout session option 2
1:00 – 1:45 PM: Hear more about Indiana’s new Science of Reading initiative from IDOE’s Karrianne Polk-Meek.
1:45 PM: Closing remarks from The Reading League Indiana, Andrea Setmeyer
Meet Our Featured Speakers:
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SoR Resources for School Leaders:
Key Note:
Susan Lambert shares about the Science of Reading
No materials are available for this presentation.
Breakout Session #1 Options:
A Guide to Selecting and Implementing High Quality Instructional Materials by Janise Lane and Karen Venditti
Attendees will hear about the journey of two district leaders as they led the adoption of high quality instructional materials. Janise and Robin will have a candid conversation about the successes experienced and challenges faced throughout the selection, adoption, and beginning stages of launching the use of HQIM. Attendees will develop leader and participant insight into how to build buy-in and lead change, how to build the capacity of their teams, how to leverage teachers as leaders, how to navigate challenging situations, and how to celebrate successes in ways that continue to move the work forward. Attendees will leave with skills and knowledge that is highly practical, actionable, and applicable to their own work in schools.
No materials are available for this presentation.
Maximizing the Benefits of Universal and Small Group Intervention: Rethinking How We Plan and Deliver Targeted Instruction by Jamey Peavler
As school leaders you already know the importance of maximizing every minute of the literacy block. In this session we will consider the benefits and costs of whole-group and small-group instruction and explore how data informs whether targeted interventions are needed in a whole-group or small-group setting. Jamey will also examine scheduling options for maximizing the benefits of small-group instruction and provide practical comparisons of targeted small-group lessons versus generalized small-group lessons.
Link to slide deck
Breakout Session #2 Options:
The Principal's Role in the SOR: Mindset, Mission, and Moves with Patrick Jones II and Eddie Rangel
School leaders play a critical role in dismantling and eliminating all barriers to education in their school buildings. From shifting mindsets, strengthening or refining visions, and leveraging instructional leadership moves, school leaders are charged with the incredible responsibility of ensuring that every one of our students is a reader. Join Patrick Jones and Eddie Rangel as they discuss the mindsets, mission, and moves we must build together as school leaders and how the science of reading illuminates the pathway to literacy equity for all students.
Link to slide deck
Unpacking a Comprehensive Literacy Ecosystem Rooted in Science of Reading Research with Meagan Molbert and Karen Venditti
Strong core instruction grounded in Science of Reading principles is crucial— but in isolation, even that’s not enough. To be powerful and effective, a literacy system needs to bring together assessment, curriculum, intervention, personalized learning, and ongoing professional development. Join Amplify’s Literacy Curriculum Specialists, Karen Venditti and Meagan Molbert, to learn about these critical elements of an interconnected ecosystem to implement a comprehensive approach to support both students and teachers.
Link to slide deck
Afternoon sessions:
IDOE's Karrianne Polk-Meek to discuss Indiana's new Science of Reading initiative
Link to slide deck