The Reading League Indiana

The Reading League Indiana is an affiliate chapter of a 30,000 member national not-for-profit organization, The Reading League. Together we promote knowledge to reimagine the future of literacy education and accelerate the global movement toward reading instruction rooted in science.


Our mission is to advance the awareness, understanding and use of evidence-based reading instruction across the state, by connecting all stakeholders and providing sound educational resources.


Our vision is that every child in our state is able to read proficiently.

We recognize literacy as a fundamental right that empowers individuals in a society. Research has yielded proven instructional practices that provide equitable access to the knowledge students need to be competent readers. We believe that all children deserve to learn to read and that all teachers can learn to teach them.

To bring our vision to reality, we have developed three core areas of focus:

Education: Providing sound educational resources

We are committed to ensuring that educators are equipped with the knowledge they need to effectively teach all students how to read.

Collaboration: Developing strong partnerships & connecting stakeholders

We will work to build a collaborative environment throughout our state among parents, educators, school leaders, pre-service teachers, colleges and universities, mission-aligned partner organizations, and community leaders.

Advocacy: Statewide advocacy that promotes long-term systemic change

All students deserve to have an education rooted in equity that is built upon access to the tools they need to reach their full potential, including a science-based approach to reading. We acknowledge and will work to eliminate the disparity in access to evidence-based literacy instruction that currently exists in Indiana.

Together, these core areas will accelerate the global movement toward reading instruction rooted in science here in our state. We know we will truly be successful when reading metrics soar throughout Indiana.

Meet Our Team

Stefany Bragg
Stefany BraggPresident
Eddie Rangel
Eddie RangelVice President
Stefanie Husejnovic
Stefanie HusejnovicSecretary
Joellan Muyskens-Chang
Joellan Muyskens-ChangTreasurer
Jodi Denton
Jodi DentonBoard Member
Brandi Dreher
Brandi DreherBoard Member
Holly Ehle
Holly EhleBoard Member
Michelle Jackson, Ph.D.
Michelle Jackson, Ph.D.Board Member
Catherine McBride, Ph.D.
Catherine McBride, Ph.D.Board Member
Sandra Moore
Sandra MooreBoard Member
Adrienne Mormino
Adrienne MorminoBoard Member
Natalie Shaw
Natalie ShawBoard Member
Karyn Tomkinson, Ph.D.
Karyn Tomkinson, Ph.D.Board Member
Board Member

Join Us Reimagining the Future of Reading Education

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